Christmas Cracker Hats

The biggest issue I have with the changes to what I understand to be a very British tradition of Christmas crackers in order to make them more sustainable and eco friendly is it just doesn’t feel like Christmas Day if everyone isn’t sat around the table in cracker hats. For my children’s birthdays during the […]
Kindle/Tablet Cover Tutorial

As we begin the run-up to Christmas I thought I’d share a few ideas of things you could make for gifts. I mean this one is by no means festive in any way it’d just be a great gift for someone you know who loves their E-Reader or Tablet and it’s really easy to make. […]
Free FPP Llama Quilt Pattern

You can find below links to download (for free!) the llama quilt pattern I created recently for a blog for The blog contains further information on how to create it… click here to have a read. Lllama Quilt instructions Lllama Quilt full size print-out Please note this is for personal use only.
Edith, Geoff & Winston

Meet Edith the Elephant, Geoff the Giraffe and Winston the Whale! They’re one of my favourite things to make for friends/family when they have babies… soft toy rattles just the perfect size for little hands. I’ve included the pattern free (Click Here) so that you can make them too! I’ll show you how I made Edith […]