Sewing for Boys

What do you sew for the boys in your life? My partner has been given pyjama bottoms, a waistcoat, several shirts and even a wash-bag. He’s forever moaning that I never sew for him, and to be honest I find


It’s that age old question… what do you do with the fabric left over from a project. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to tesselate the pattern pieces on to the fabric the inevitability of scraps you can’t bring

Floral Faux Leather Co-ord

Floral Faux Leather on a tulle base… its a crazy fabric but it’s made a beautiful Jacket/Skirt Co-ord. Simplicity 8418 for the jacket with a self-drafted skirt.

Not your average summer…

I imagined my summer being full of sun cream, beach days and playing outside. And don’t get me wrong, there was of course a lot of all of those things (sadly mum life doesn’t leave any time for relaxing on

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