The Ally Shift Dress

I have been pattern cutting for nearly 2 decades, and it’s something I take a huge amount of joy in… helping people have clothing to wear that fits them is just a wonderful thing. The thing is though, custom fit clothing is expensive so it’s just not accessible for a lot of people so i’ve […]
Me Made May

Me Made May (for those of you who haven’t come across it before) was created by Zoe Edwards (or sozoblog as she’s known on Instagram) and it’s become a huge movement in the sewing community… the aim being to encourage you to wear your me mades. Now each sewist takes this on in different ways […]
Hashtag the year away…

Happy New Year! I wanted to take a moment to shout out a few hashtag projects that I found during last year that I am super excited to (hopefully) take part in this year. #makenine This has been going for several years now and I have no idea how I’ve missed it… #makenine2019. The […]
The Mullet of the Jacket world

I know fancy dress opportunities fill a lot of people with dread but I’m one of those people that absolutely love them. The opportunity to get creative and craft something is one I really enjoy, and that is how the story of how this jacket came to pass starts. I’m part of a dinner party […]
Not your average summer…

I imagined my summer being full of sun cream, beach days and playing outside. And don’t get me wrong, there was of course a lot of all of those things (sadly mum life doesn’t leave any time for relaxing on a sun lounger but I’ve already made my piece with that). What I wasn’t expecting […]
Not another craft blog…

I have joined this game supremely late (or so it feels) and quite frankly I’ve been meaning to do this for forever but needed someone to kick me up the bottom (thankfully I seem to have figured out how to contort my body to enable myself to do this kicking) So Hi! I’m Clare, aka. […]