Hope Dress Pattern Hack

The Style Arc Hope Dress is super versatile with the extension pattern, and this time I’ve changed the skirt entirely putting on a tiered gathered moment and made it in chiffon too for a really different vibe.
Mermaid Leggings

Activewear just shouldn’t be boring… and these leggings are such a vibe it makes my soul happy… and my daughter lives for her matching pair too! This pattern is such a go to for leggings, couldn’t recommend it more!
Do you ever feel like a Paper Bag?

Megan Nielsen’s Opal pants/shorts pattern contains a paper bag waistband option and I had always wanted to try this look so off I went… Now at the moment I am working really hard to try and sew my stash, I have such a large quantity of fabric in my studio that just sits there I […]
Traditional Babywear with Smocking

Simplicity 1205 in Art Gallery Cotton fabric with a hand smocked detail panel that the blog will show you how I achieved.
Stretch! In review

I often come across sewing books that take my fancy but rarely buy them, so late last year I made a change to this and purchased 3 that had been on my list for a while and thought I’d write up a little review as to why I picked them and how I found them… […]
Painty Mila Dungarees

Tilly and the Buttons Mila Dungarees in a painty style floral cotton sateen fabric. With tips on how to work between the lines to get a great fit.
The Mullet of the Jacket world

I know fancy dress opportunities fill a lot of people with dread but I’m one of those people that absolutely love them. The opportunity to get creative and craft something is one I really enjoy, and that is how the story of how this jacket came to pass starts. I’m part of a dinner party […]

It’s that age old question… what do you do with the fabric left over from a project. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to tesselate the pattern pieces on to the fabric the inevitability of scraps you can’t bring yourself to throw away is almost guaranteed. I’ve become overly organised with mine over the […]
Not your average summer…

I imagined my summer being full of sun cream, beach days and playing outside. And don’t get me wrong, there was of course a lot of all of those things (sadly mum life doesn’t leave any time for relaxing on a sun lounger but I’ve already made my piece with that). What I wasn’t expecting […]
Decorating the Nursery

Decorating the nursery is one of those things I think most expectant nesting mummy’s dream of doing. I was no different and yet I have only just finished it… and he’s 18 months old! Before he arrived we were using the room as an office, so knowing he’d be sleeping in with us for the […]